While consuming porn is typically a private and personal affair, porn sites track your every move. What content you choose, which moments you pause, which parts you repeat.
By mining this data to a deeper degree than other streaming services, many porn sites are able to give internet users exactly what they want—and they want a lot of it. Porn sites controlled the flow of information to one of, if not the most, captive audiences on the internet. And they can access user data because the users willingly lets them.
One of the biggest porn sites in the world provides transparency into its data collection—on the most intimate of subjects—by making research and analysis from billions of data points about viewership patterns, often tied to events from politics to pop culture, available to the public. It offers more than many other tech giants do.
And these sites can get away with it because no regulator or politician will ever say - ‘we’re going to break up the porn monopoly.’
In a news article published on Free Malaysia Today, it cited a report that in 2017, a foreign portal ranked Malaysian women seventh among women who accessed the largest porn site in the US through mobile devices. According to the report, released on March 7 2018, 84% of Malaysian women and 66% of men browsed this porn site using a mobile device. As at the date of the news, female Malaysian visitors to that porn site apparently were in the 10% to 29% percentile of female traffic to the website, with 29% being the worldwide average.
The article also said that the Malaysian police have set up a new unit to monitor Malaysians who watch porn online and pinpoint and locate in real time those who surf these websites.
In another news article, the following statistics were reported for Malaysians visiting porn sites:
We have to be cautious that the above article was reported in 2014. Thus, the statistics presented above could have differed significantly by now.
So for those of you who are doing it - albeit illegally - please be forewarned that these sites are getting your personal details and mining it for free without your consent and knowledge.