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As internet adoption grows in South East Asia, SMEs must defend against sophisticated cyber attacks

Cyber criminals are zeroing in on the relative lack of security at SMEs to infect numerous computers as a prelude to launching large scale cyber attacks

Written by Paul Hadjy, Published at 5.30am 13 March 2019

The above was the headline in an article in the South China Morning Post (SCMP) in Hong Kong in its edition dated 13 March 2019. SCMP is a Hong Kong English-language newspaper and owned by Alibaba Group.

According to a 2016 public survey conducted by the Chinese University of Hong Kong, the South China Morning Post received a credibility rating of 6.54, the highest credibility score among the various paid newspapers in Hong Kong. Its average audited circulation for the first half of 2015 stood at 101,652 copies, with the print edition representing 75 percent of the number of copies; the Sunday edition registered 80,779 copies on average during the same period. Its readership outside Hong Kong remains at some 6,825 copies for the same period.

SCMP launched an online version which is free in 2016 with the objective of increasing its readership globally and allow the global community to have access to insightful and trusted news of China.

As we shared in our article dated 4 March 2019 titled 'Govt should incentivise SMEs in building and maintaining cyber resiliency', not only in Malaysia but SMEs globally would be threatened by cyber threats - a trend emphasised in the above article.


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