educational vist to sysarmy sdn bhd

On 17th April 2017, the Computer Technology Society or Persatuan Teknologi Komputer (PETAKOM) organized an Educational Visit to SysArmy Sdn Bhd. A total of 37 students from the Faculty of Computer Systems and Software Engineering (FSKKP) who were accompanied by 2 of their lecturers, took part in this program.
The main objective of this program was to expose students to problems in the cyberbworld and workplace environment. In addition, this program would be able to enhance the students’ level of creativity and knowledge in the field of cyber security. The arrival of theUMP delegates was met by SysArmy representatives, Mr Azri and Mr Hafiz, as well as UMP industrial training students dan alumni. During the first activity, Mr Azri gave an introduction to SysArmy. He also shared some latest updates on problems in the cyber world within the context of Malaysia.
The next activity was conducted by the UMP industrial training students in which a demonstration of “attacking and monitoring” was made. These interns explained and showed how a website could be hacked and measures to overcome the problem.
During the third slot, UMP students and lecturers were given the opportunity to visit the SysArmy Lab and see how their employees worked. This experience would help students to gain a better understanding of cyber security.
Additionally, SysArmy also provided the students with early exposure on cyber security and had an exchange of ideas and information with them. Hence, this program was able to foster cooperation between two parties, namely, UMP and the industry. Furthermore, such program would also give the FSKKP students the opportunity to undertake industrial training prior to completion of their studies.